Webcam Computersparts

Recommended accessories

Webcam made according to our specifications to guarantee high-end video and audio quality, while maintaining a low price.
The video quality of the webcam is Full HD to always have a clear and defined image even in environments with poor lighting, the integrated microphone allows you to have in a single object, two devices that have now become indispensable for smart working, the DAD or for keep in touch with distant friends and relatives, offering a clean and never croaky sound.
The adjustable support adapts to any type of monitor and thanks to the special ball joint, it can be adjusted to any position, maintaining a firm grip and stable recording.
Its connection uses the USB standard and is compatible with any operating system on the market, but above all it will install automatically without having to download any type of driver and will be recognized by all the most popular video conferencing software.

Technical specifications

Webcam model with integrated USB microphone Computersparts

Full HD video quality

Stand Smart stand with integrated clamp, ideal for both screens and flat surfaces

USB 2.0 connectivity

Condition New

All our products are selected and reconditioned by highly specialized technicians, and subjected to the most scrupulous tests, to always offer you products that are perfect down to the smallest details. The latest generation Operating System already installed includes the official Microsoft license.
Thanks to our technical support you will be followed remotely for the resolution of any technical problem and in the event of malfunction or damage to the product, we will collect the item and provide you with a replacement as soon as possible.