
All in One. What it is and why choose this type of PC

All In One represents a hybrid category, which is placed at the center between the desktop PC and the laptop, with the aim of creating a new

All In One Lenovo M900 22"

product that represents the sum of the two or at least that takes the best from both.

An ambitious goal, for a product that has already reached a fair share of admirers and which winks at many others.

But, why choose an All In One instead of a laptop or desktop computer?

What are All In Ones?

As evidenced by the English term that distinguishes them, All In Ones are "all in one" computers. Also known by their acronym “ AIO “, an all in one computer is a machine that concentrates all its main components in a single chassis.

Obviously the above is a category definition, which does not take into account the thousand nuances represented by the various models and versions put on the market by individual manufacturers.

So from a technical and construction point of view we can find different configurations and possibilities in a single machine. In general, the processing part of the PC is always combined with the monitor and the mouse or pointing device is always external.

What can be a variable is the keyboard. In fact, today we almost always find it separated from the body of the PC, also thanks to the possibility of having wireless connectivity which avoids the cable, but, in some versions it can also be "flap" and therefore fixed directly to the PC in a single body supportive.

History of the All In One computer

We sometimes think that the All In One computer is a recent discovery (perhaps believing that the IMac was the first machine of its type), but in reality All In One computers have existed for decades, with some machines now making "a good law” part of the history of computing.

All the big brands that have made the history of computing (Apple/Macintosh, Microsoft but also the precursors IBM, Commodore and the Italian Olivetti) have in fact presented an All In One computer sooner or later.

All In One Vs desktop PC. The comparative

If until a few years ago, at least from a performance point of view, the difference between the desktop computer, the notebook and the All In One computer was very and somewhat defined, today the gap has been closed or even eliminated.

The lowering of costs, the reduction of dimensions and the increase in performance given by the great development of information technology has in fact led to a leveling of the "form factors", bringing the criterion of choice from technical to exquisitely utilitarian and aesthetic.

Today the All In One from a performance point of view is completely interchangeable with a desktop PC or a laptop.

Why use All In Ones?

If from a performance point of view we can consider each type of computer similar to another, why should we choose an All In One ? In our opinion for nine reasons that can still make it interesting and useful to prefer the All In One to the desktop PC. Here they are:

Simple at every stage, even during the purchase

All In One Lenovo M900 22"

The All in One PC is born ready and configured, for an already finished product on which it is not necessary to spend hours choosing each component and configuration. Of course, you lose some customization possibilities, but this aspect is not a priority for the majority of PC users.

No cables in the workstation

Aesthetics is not everything but it is important, especially in certain contexts (from the living room to the showroom, from the reception to the stand at the fair). The All in One PC is perfect from this point of view, given that it has practically no cables running around the workstation. In its most advanced setting which uses wireless and Bluetooth, the All In One computer features a single power cable, which makes the computer aesthetically beautiful and very easy to clean.

User friendly at every stage

Easy to use, to install, to move between one location and another. There is no computer more user friendly than the All In One .

Requires little space

The All In One computer is the ideal solution for those with little space. You don't need platforms, case supports or other solutions if you choose an All In One PC. With this type of PC we can consider that "where the monitor is, the All In One is".


The All In One computer is optimized for reasons of space and assembly in every single component. This optimization therefore makes it particularly energy efficient.

Not very noisy

The same reasons that make it particularly efficient also make it particularly silent. Many All In One computers have very small fans or are even fanless, for a quality of work that is not disturbed by the continuous start-up of ventilation systems.


Here is another parameter that benefits from the fact that the All In One is a unique piece. The design and construction carried out by a single brand makes the All In One computer more efficient than a desktop computer (usually an assembly of different brands).

All In One Lenovo M900 22"

Aesthetics and versatility

The All In One computer has a great aesthetic presence which makes it perfect for multiple uses. A multifaceted machine that does not disfigure but rather enriches every workplace and context.

Touch functionality

Many All In One computers also feature a touch screen that makes the keyboard and mouse only backup options, for unprecedented visuals and usability.

How can you create a complete and compact workstation with an All In One?

There is nothing easier than creating a complete workstation with an All In One . As already indicated, in a single piece it can already be a complete station. Any input and output peripherals can be added without problems, especially by taking advantage of wireless connectivity.

The All In One computer is therefore an excellent option for a product that combines aesthetics, functionality and premium features, a value alternative to consider before choosing new hardware.

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